Sorry the API couldn't explain it to me how do you remove an actor from the world??
removeObject(>the object to be removed<);
public void act() { Actor actor = getOneIntersectingObject(Actor.class); if (actor != null) { getWorld().removeObject(actor); //if you want to remove an object from an actor class you have to use getWorld().removeObject; } }
public void act() { if (Greenfoot.mouseClicked(this)) { getWorld().removeObjects(getWorld().getObjects(null)); addobjects(); } } public void addobjects(){ getWorld().setBackground(new GreenfootImage("modification background.fw.png")); //this line then comes up with a nullpointerexception getWorld().addObject(new skisbutton(), 3 , 2); getWorld().addObject(new tracksbutton(), 5 , 2); getWorld().addObject(new wheelsbutton(), 7 , 2); getWorld().addObject(new largebaybutton(), 7 , 3); getWorld().addObject(new mediumbaybutton(), 5 , 3); getWorld().addObject(new smallbaybutton(), 3 , 3); getWorld().addObject(new backbutton(), 8 , 7); }
// in your actor class: if (Greenfoot.mouseClicked(this)) { ((YourWorldName) getWorld()).removeAllObjects(); }
public void removeAllObjects() { removeObjects(getObjects(null)); addObject(new skisbutton(), 3 , 2); // add all the other objects you want to add, but remove the 'getWorld().' part at the beginning from it. }
import greenfoot.*; // (World, Actor, GreenfootImage, Greenfoot and MouseInfo) /** * Write a description of class modifybutton here. * * @author (your name) * @version (a version number or a date) */ public class modifybutton extends buttons { public int traction=0; public int baysize=0; /** * Act - do whatever the modifybutton wants to do. This method is called whenever * the 'Act' or 'Run' button gets pressed in the environment. */ public void act() { if (Greenfoot.mouseClicked(this)) { //code to get rid of actor called playbutton from world called world getWorld().setBackground(new GreenfootImage("modification background.fw.png")); //this line then comes up with a nullpointerexception getWorld().addObject(new skisbutton(), 3 , 2); getWorld().addObject(new tracksbutton(), 5 , 2); getWorld().addObject(new wheelsbutton(), 7 , 2); getWorld().addObject(new largebaybutton(), 7 , 3); getWorld().addObject(new mediumbaybutton(), 5 , 3); getWorld().addObject(new smallbaybutton(), 3 , 3); getWorld().addObject(new backbutton(), 8 , 7); } }