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Greenfoot back
mattjames wrote ...


Removing an actor

danpost danpost


Or just modify what you have to this:
public void act() 
    if (Greenfoot.mouseClicked(this)) addObjects();

public void addobjects()
    World world = getWorld();
    world.setBackground(new GreenfootImage("modification background.fw.png"));
    world.addObject(new skisbutton(), 3 , 2);
    world.addObject(new tracksbutton(), 5 , 2);
    world.addObject(new wheelsbutton(), 7 , 2);
    world.addObject(new largebaybutton(), 7 , 3);
    world.addObject(new mediumbaybutton(), 5 , 3);
    world.addObject(new smallbaybutton(), 3 , 3);
    world.addObject(new backbutton(), 8 , 7);
As an alternative, you could create a new World sub-class for the menu:
public void act()
    if (Greenfoot.mouseClicked(this)) Greenfoot.setWorld(new Menu(getWorld());
// with the new world Menu subclass:
import greenfoot.*;

public class Menu extends World
    private World main;

    public Menu(World world)
        super(>width<, >height<, >cellsize<);
        main = world;
        setBackground(new GreenfootImage("modification background.fw.png"));
        addObject(new skisbutton(), 3 , 2);
        addObject(new tracksbutton(), 5 , 2);
        addObject(new wheelsbutton(), 7 , 2);
        addObject(new largebaybutton(), 7 , 3);
        addObject(new mediumbaybutton(), 5 , 3);
        addObject(new smallbaybutton(), 3 , 3);
        addObject(new backbutton(), 8 , 7);

    public void act()
        // code for button click detection here
        // examples
        if (>back button clicked<) back();
        if (>wheels button clicked<) applyWheels();

    // button action methods here
    // examples
    private void back()

    private void applyWheels()
        Player player = (Player) main.getObjects(Player.class).get(0);
        player.applyWheels(); // calls method in Player class to put wheels on
danpost danpost


If 'playbutton' is the name of a class, then:
would remove the instance of it from any sub-class of Actor. EDIT: my alternative above may not be what you want (without seeing your world class, it is hard to determine exactly what you are doing).
mattjames mattjames


Danpost that last getWorld().removeObjects(getWorld().getObjects(playButton.class)); was perfect thank you sooo much needed that all day!! and I am trying to keep everything in one world.
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