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Scenarios tagged: uaslp

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play SpongeBob Underwater Adventures
plays 1132 / votes 0

SpongeBob Underwater Adventures

by Nahum_Solv, 2021/1/6

play The Tom And Jerry Show
plays 3158 / votes 6

The Tom And Jerry Show

by Sathya_srikanth, 2021/1/1

This is my first game :D in mentioned in the game.

play Jetpack MIssion
plays 1635 / votes 1

Jetpack MIssion

by epiKtry_1232, 2020/11/14

Collect all coins and the key to escape through the door. Avoid black holes!

play things go brrrrrrrr
plays 1405 / votes 0

things go brrrrrrrr

by Rottlo, 2020/11/7


play Snake Tracks Demo
plays 4636 / votes 1

Snake Tracks Demo

by danpost, 2012/11/25

Another Snake Demo (three worlds with different movement capabilities) using snake 'tracks' to guide the segments.

play Not For Epileptics
plays 3173 / votes 2

Not For Epileptics

by danpost, 2014/3/5

Run, if you are epileptic; but, do not run this. ExpandingText support class included.

play FLappy bird
plays 1006 / votes 0

FLappy bird

by ianchanner, 2020/10/24

Coolest game ever

play Zombie Rampage
plays 7980 / votes 4

Zombie Rampage

by slipkorn_6666, 2010/7/24

Zombie arcade game

play Test
plays 1409 / votes 0


by yoota, 2020/8/4

Small test