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Scenarios tagged: platform

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play Gravix
plays 11837 / votes 19


by SilverWings59, 2009/10/1

Change the gravity, get the star!

play Platform Movement
plays 8215 / votes 4

Platform Movement

by Master_of_Programming, 2009/8/14

Use this class to create platform games.

play Greene's Quest2
plays 4736 / votes 2

Greene's Quest2

by sunshinehombre, 2009/8/18

Greene was kidnapped from his home. Help him get back!

play Cyan Sphere of Doom Act 2
plays 4607 / votes 0

Cyan Sphere of Doom Act 2

by limefortheworld, 2009/8/1


play Super Mario Bros. Scrolling
plays 35346 / votes 32

Super Mario Bros. Scrolling

by Ninto, 2009/5/3

A Super Mario Bros. game.

play XiaolinShowdown
plays 3633 / votes 1


by miyaz, 2009/5/25

Platform Game XiaolinShowdown

play Mars Patrol
plays 9170 / votes 6

Mars Patrol

by Cash_Cash, 2009/5/10

Classic Arcade Game: "Mars Patrol"

play Zony
plays 22551 / votes 49


by Builderboy2005, 2009/2/12

Level 10 is up!

play Bomber
plays 6600 / votes 5


by qnanqing, 2009/3/3

a jet bomber (i dont now the type ^_^)