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Scenarios tagged: codepoint-08-school-16+

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play Puzzle Engine
plays 565 / votes 0

Puzzle Engine

by Zees, 2024/4/1

Basic, top, down block puzzle engine

play Castle Storm 3
plays 2526 / votes 0

Castle Storm 3

by Wolfpack797, 2015/10/8


play 007 Shooting game
plays 2837 / votes 0

007 Shooting game

by psedaros, 2013/5/28

play The Macro Univers
plays 4393 / votes 1

The Macro Univers

by Larisius, 2008/12/8

Catch the Macros to get the points

play CompSciProject
plays 3194 / votes 0


by DragonGhola, 2008/12/4

Short Tactical Style RPG

play car chase
plays 3870 / votes 0

car chase

by doboy2092, 2008/12/2

play Squirrel Quarrel
plays 3738 / votes 1

Squirrel Quarrel

by tscott1192, 2008/12/1

You've made him angry... now deal with the repercussions in the form of falling objects.

play Dino Dan: the Crazy Caveman
plays 4837 / votes 3

Dino Dan: the Crazy Caveman

by uhlenhuthk, 2008/11/30

Kill the dinosaurs with rocks or be killed.

play 300 Seconds
plays 43764 / votes 16

300 Seconds

by Superphrank, 2008/11/30

A side scroller