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Zees presents ...


Puzzle Engine

direction keys to move

The goal is to get the key, then go to the door.
you can push blocks (even multiple blocks at a time)
Monsters run around and if they touch you you die.
You drown in water and die when you fall in a black pit.
Putting a block in water fills it up.
Putting a block in a hole makes the block go away.
You can kill monsters by pushing blocks on
them or directing them into water or a hole

This is still a work in progress. There is only 3 levels at the moment,
the first level is designed to demonstrate all the aspects of the engine.

***Update! now has 2 levels (beware dieing on the second level forces you to start the first over)***
***Update 11-10-08 : Now has 3 levels and a Level handler (no more starting the game over when you die)
if you bother to download the source, there is a built-in aid for building levels.
After making a level in the greenfoot editor via dropping objects on the world,
the world has a method called shoutout() which causes it to generate the javacode required to
re-create the level and this can be cut and pasted out of the console window
(make sure you have unlimited buffering turned on) into a method in order to add new levels.
***Update 11/11/08: Fixed the bug that caused the game to act up when you reach the end. Added a new level***

565 views / 12 in the last 7 days

Tags: simulation with-source codepoint-08-school-16+

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