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Scenarios tagged: bubbles

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play Bubbles
plays 2133 / votes 0


by Goalie42, 2016/4/18

Bubbles scenaro #17-23

play Bubbles Scenario
plays 1527 / votes 0

Bubbles Scenario

by soccerplayer88, 2016/4/18

When you click on the screen you will see different bubbles.

play Bubbles Scenario
plays 1834 / votes 0

Bubbles Scenario

by Justbeachy32, 2016/4/18

A game which bubbles change colors and sizes.

play Bubbles Scenario
plays 2538 / votes 0

Bubbles Scenario

by macandcheese, 2016/4/18

In this game one can click around on the screen and bubbles with all different sizes and transparencies appear.

play Bubbles Scenario
plays 2799 / votes 0

Bubbles Scenario

by abc123, 2016/4/13

click to watch colorful bubbles fade away

play Bubbles Scenario
plays 2716 / votes 0

Bubbles Scenario

by JaneSmith4545, 2016/4/13

Bubbles Scenario

play BubblesGame
plays 2415 / votes 0


by joannedoe, 2016/4/13

New Bubble Scenario

play Scuba Diver
plays 2835 / votes 0

Scuba Diver

by RainingPenguins, 2014/10/14

Collect the pearls before it's too late!