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Scenarios tagged: automata

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play CelluGen
plays 4089 / votes 1


by Kazekeil, 2012/5/16

Life Sim with randomly generated rulesets.

play FiringSquadProblem
plays 4306 / votes 1


by mbread, 2010/12/15

The firing squad synchronisation problem using cellular automata

play Langton Loops
plays 10125 / votes 1

Langton Loops

by RevDrBrown, 2010/4/14

Demonstrates the Langton Loop - a self-reproducing cellular automata.

play 1D Cellular Automata Simulator
plays 9872 / votes 3

1D Cellular Automata Simulator

by RevDrBrown, 2010/3/28

Can display all 256 1D cellular automata.

play Fibonacci Ant
plays 6110 / votes 0

Fibonacci Ant

by RevDrBrown, 2010/3/28

Cellular automata simulation of ants that move according to the Fibonacci sequence, flipping cell states as they move.