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Comments for PIP Actor Class

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A new version of this scenario was uploaded on Wed May 22 21:08:41 UTC 2013
A new version of this scenario was uploaded on Wed May 22 21:09:07 UTC 2013


Really cool, could I get the source?
A new version of this scenario was uploaded on Wed May 22 23:18:48 UTC 2013 Including source, which I forgot to check the box for when updating the scenario to fix its icon.


@kiarocks, the source is back.
A new version of this scenario was uploaded on Wed May 22 23:27:04 UTC 2013 Including source, which I forgot to check the box for when updating the scenario to fix its icon.
A new version of this scenario was uploaded on Thu May 23 03:44:23 UTC 2013 Added ability to mouse-drag PIP objects. Also added a second PIP object.
A new version of this scenario was uploaded on Thu May 23 04:07:40 UTC 2013 Fixed a dragging bug.


Very cool. Shows the versatility of OO design and a good greenfoot design. There is a small bug. If you overlap the two small worlds and click back and forth between them they get "stuck" so that you can't move the bottom one. You have to go to the top one and drag it a bit to unstick them. It happens if they are not overlapped, but it's harder to tell when it's not working. Also, it has to be running. You can drag the screens when it's paused, but the "top" window doesn't change and it doesn't get stuck.
A new version of this scenario was uploaded on Thu May 23 12:59:32 UTC 2013 Fixed minor bug.


@m_p_v_13, the problem was appearing when the mousePressed object was not dragged (when the object was just clicked on). The object was being selected, but not de-selected. I changed 'mouseDragEnded' to 'mouseClicked' to fix it.
Cool. Works well. it would be good if you could move the wombat around rather than just see him spin on and off screen. Also, something to shoot in the ship sequence would be good! The DoctorProfessor is out! BOOM!
A new version of this scenario was uploaded on Fri May 24 17:26:44 UTC 2013 Changed key controls. Wombat control enabled.


Your programm did help me, but know we have another problem: We want to have several levels and the actors should be able to go into a new level at different time (in the minor wolrds). Do you have an idea, how this could work or it is even possible?
A new version of this scenario was uploaded on Sun Feb 09 03:43:21 UTC 2014 Added score counters to both worlds and rocks to shot at in the ship world.
A new version of this scenario was uploaded on Mon Feb 10 15:26:58 UTC 2014 Cut down on lag for unbounded worlds.
A new version of this scenario was uploaded on Tue Apr 15 01:34:43 UTC 2014


Do not know why or how long it has been that way; but, I noticed that the ship was not centered in the Space world (corrected).
A new version of this scenario was uploaded on Tue Apr 15 04:20:27 UTC 2014


Forgot to check 'Publish source code' checkbox after centering ship in Space world.


You can't lose in the asteroids game.


@Game/maniac, it was not intended to be a game -- just a sample world. The Wombat world was a sample of a gridded (cell size greater than one) world and the Space world was a sample of a pixel cell-sized world. Originally I did not even have the asteroids in it; and DoctorProfessorYoshi wrote that it would be nice to be able to shoot at something. So, I added asteroids and a counter (and gave the wombat user-key control).


I currently am using a lot of the code from this project but I have the problem that I cannot click actors in the world (which I need), so would it be possible to remove the code that enables the user to move around the PIP elements and if then how?
A new version of this scenario was uploaded on 2017-12-28 18:34:05 UTC


Now updated for HTML5.
A new version of this scenario was uploaded on 2017-12-28 19:34:52 UTC