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Kartoffelbrot presents ...



In this game it is the aim to turn on the lamp, by using your mouse to drag the cables and forming a wire from the generator to it.
I have only this first level yet, which is a bit buggy, too. Thanks to Busch2207 for help with the getIntersectingObjects()-methods.
Try it out!

4786 views / 11 in the last 7 days

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Tags: mouse game simulation physics with-source electricity

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danpost is right!


Ok i will do. My last comment refers to your comment before.


The bulb does not light up when I connect the wires up


Hm, don't know what's wrong, try it again. Maybe there is cable a one-pixel-wide to far away.
A new version of this scenario was uploaded on Sat Sep 07 10:33:15 UTC 2013 source(maybe someone wants to see or use it)
A new version of this scenario was uploaded on Sat Sep 07 10:33:42 UTC 2013 source(maybe someone wants to see or use it)


I was making something similar when I found this. It seems we both have the same issue. f you line the wires to power the bulb, but then remove the wire touching the battery or the one touching that the bulb stays on (infinite loop between the other 2 wires I believe). You thought of any fix for this?


Yes that was my biggest problem. I tried to give ID's to the cables, but It it hasn't worked. I had some other methods. For example I tried to save them, in an array. I worked quite long on this, but with sh** solutions. :( You can download the sourcecode if you want. Maybe you can fix that. Later on in other scenarios I only used one big cable to ignore this. Therefore I wrote a method, that places it from one point to another. Watch here: If you fix that problem and if you upload your scenario, please tell me.


fixed it for you

2013/10/17 here is a link to your solution

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MrHam Game/maniac Rudy Kürbiskern Busch2207 Tacko1996 JetLennit