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Originally uploaded around August 2011.

Fight against the waves of germs! There are 8 waves. 7 germ types

A video of me beating the game can be found here:

WASD to move
Left click to shoot
Right click (and drag) to place barrier

Red blinking sides indicates incoming germs.

Special Abilities (Each has a cooldown, displayed at bottom of screen):
Q key to place a pitfall - traps germs that move over it (will be destroyed if contains too many germs).
E key to place a repellent that keeps all germs away from its center for a short while.
SPACEBAR to drop ooze that will slow germs that move over it for a short while

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Tags: mouse game with-source survival bourne

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static germs OP


Haha they are a bit over powered. Would increasing the time before the connections actually activate (transition from a line to the static animation) make it more reasonable?


Probably, but it'd be nice if you didn't have to clear all levels before you unlock the code.


Think of it as an achievement =) The "static" germs I know are annoying and can catch you off guard the first time you encounter them. They get me quite often. So increasing the warning time before they do their power is understandable.


By the way has anyone survived all waves? Also I played it through again and only restarted once. I know being the creator it is relatively more easy for me, but the timeliness of the static germs was actually good I thought.


Well, keep in mind, bourne, there's always some creator bias. When you've created a game, you already know how every aspect functions, how every AI will behave, and naturally you know how to beat it. Also, many people bug test their code a lot, which certainly adds to how much you already know how to play it.


I understand and is what I meant when I said being the creator. But I don't want to make changes or remove the game's challenge just to make it easier to get the code. If you could give me feedback specifically on how far you reach on average as well as what seems to get you most of the time, that would be great.


i did :D, yay i now have zombies


Congratulations =)


A video of me beating the game can be found here:

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