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Another photoshop like program in Greenfoot. It's quite easy to use since everything is controller by your keyboard.
These are the used keys:
-The up key for making the brush bigger
-The down key for making the brush smaller
-The f key to fill the image with the brush's current color.
-The z key to undo the last action
-The c key to create a new color. Press backspace to cancel.
-The p key to select a color which is already in your painting
I wanna say thanks to builderboy2005 and busch2207. Builderboy for checking whether the left mouse button is down (since the MouseInfo API has some bugs) and busch for changing the image of the mouse.
The source is up, feel free to use it. But you have to put my name in your description and in the documentation. Also, I'd love it when you tell me when you use it!
Feel free to leave a comment, and I hope you like it!
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