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Demo, soon to be a game I've been working on with smooth scrolling, simple mountain (landscape) generation with gradient fills, with parallel scrolling effect and moving space ship. The rocket will blast off and can be rotated left/right to speed up scrolling. Gravity and friction are used to ensure a realistic feel to the physics. The landscape scrolls through 360 degree's of pre-generated landscape; therefore the peaks of the hills will match the degree coordinates, as can be seen in the compass. The Sun and Earth rotate around the 360 degree's, according to their distance from Mars, with the Earth being closer. These objects inheret from a base Heading class, which is used to trigger the direction the player is viewing; all objects therefore inheret their placement in the world.
A thin blue line is shown at the centre of the screen for now for me to check sequences etc.
Left / Right to turn
Down to thrust
Please do look at the code and ask questions. I ask that you don't copy this as a whole, but do use it as a basis for your own game. I intend of adding several 'game' themes to this idea to show the realms of possibilities..
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