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matt.milan presents ...


Mouse Drawing Colors

someone suggested in the forums that we try to create a program similar to one found somewhere else... here's what i've got so far. feel free to add or subtract if you like.

3478 views / 10 in the last 7 days

2 votes | 0 in the last 7 days

Tags: mouse simulation with-source graphics cabrillo

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Its looking good so far -> Next thing to add (whoever wants to add it) would be speading out while the points fade I reckon. I'll do it myself later if no-one else has (I'm busy right now editing a video) Keep it up! :)


Its looking good so far -> Next thing to add (whoever wants to add it) would be speading out while the points fade I reckon. I'll do it myself later if no-one else has (I'm busy right now editing a video) Keep it up! :)

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