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ej85 presents ...


Homeward Bound

Hit Run to start the Game.

Level 1 Scenario Imformation:
The objective of this level is for the player to move Reis(The DOG) forward without getting stampd.
Reis gets energy by eating hotdogs Once Reis crosses two rounds it qualifys him to move to the next level.

Level 2 Scenario Information:
Reis, the chihuahua, must find his owner before it gets dark and the fair closed. Reis know his owner and his scent,
so should the player of this game. If not, GUESS! If I reveal the information, then there will be no more challenge.

The speed were set at fast paced to make it more challenging. Upon clicking the instruction sceen, it may take a few
seconds to ramdomly generates the characters position. Be alert. When the game starts, all the characters starts moving
right away at varying speed. Tents, booths, lamp post, man holes, left over hot dogs does not move.
Food Stand, People moves but very slow pace.

Scent are generated each time the actor moves to new position. Scent trails dissipates over time.
The scent map gets fancier as the game progresses. That is, if you survived that long.

More instructions are presented at the instruction screen before gamelevel 2 starts. Of course, only when you get to
game level 2. You can preview this instruction screen by opening TheCast(20110424)b.png in the image folder.
Most of the source code documentation are concentrated in Actor where the action takes place.
Many of the actors are empty file.

Indirect Control: Predator approaching and Hungry stomach.
Mouse is only needed to start the game level 2 running. Keyboard is the main control.

AUTHORS: Nathan Brooks, Esther John, John Dy Chee Puat

Level 1:
Use -> move right
use down arrow to: Duck
use <- to move left.

Level 2:
Use the cursor movement keys move, spacebar to hold position, s to display scent map.

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Tags: mouse game simulation demo with-source

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