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m.legere1323 presents ...


CrabGame: Revenge of the Crabs

Angry from constant "Au.wav"
noises, and constant killing, the crabs
have come to get revenge on the opressive
lobsters that never let them eat the
worms. It's your job as the lobster to
keep them away from your tidal pool
by eating them as they try to, by
sheer numbers, push you out of your

Use the left and right arrow
keys to move yourself throughout your
home looking for crabs to kill. After
the fourth wave comes through you'll
get some help from a buddy. If you
see a spider Eat it quick; five eaten
spiders gives you the energy to call
lobsters from other tidal pools
(by pressing "m") who'll help you for
a short period of time.

You will survive as long as
the crab population doesnt double in
size. (excluding the first two levels, they are to get you acquainted with the game)

3783 views / 16 in the last 7 days

1 vote | 0 in the last 7 days

Tags: game simulation demo with-source crab biology little animal scoreboard crabgame

open in greenfoot

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Because it's random, you might sometimes get cheap-shotted in the first few levels, but that's the nature of random numbers =)


Awesome game- very addicting!
A new version of this scenario was uploaded on Fri Mar 18 17:47:27 UTC 2011
A new version of this scenario was uploaded on Fri Mar 18 19:52:33 UTC 2011


I have some Fresh Programming homework for you: Making a small scenario that connects to a special file created by the same project and reads a special format ([ARTICLE]/[TEXT] Per line) and prints it onto the screen. Nice tackler, don't you think? I shall give this to other Fresh Programming members to see their responses. Comment on my most recent scenario with the first words saying "Fresh Programming Homework". Good Luck!

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