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Super_Hippo presents ...



Remove the numbers using your mouse. Click on one number (it will be highlighted in yellow). Click on a second number. If they match, they will be removed. It is a match if both numbers are either the same or their sum is 10. They also need to be "connected" either vertically or horizontally with no other number between them. The end of each line is also connected with the beginning of the next line.
When no match is possible, the remaining numbers will be added after the last number automatically.

You can scroll with the arrow key (up and down) when the numbers exceed the visible area.

Thanks to Celesterra for the inspiration to create this game :)

3145 views / 20 in the last 7 days

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Tags: mouse game with-source match number ten

open in greenfoot
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I'm glad you were inspired! Also, REALLY good job on it!
A new version of this scenario was uploaded on 2019-06-14 00:51:01 UTC You can now scroll when you reach the bottom. Numbers with a slightly different color at the top and bottom row show the first unsolved number outside the visible area of the screen. You can click them like the normal numbers. Keep in mind when removing them that numbers in this row might not actually be in the same row.
A new version of this scenario was uploaded on 2019-06-14 19:40:24 UTC Added a high score system. Description is displayed at the beginning of the game now. It will remove itself when you start.
A new version of this scenario was uploaded on 2019-06-14 19:43:38 UTC Fixed small bug.
A new version of this scenario was uploaded on 2019-06-14 19:53:05 UTC Fixed another bug.
A new version of this scenario was uploaded on 2019-06-14 20:06:00 UTC Auto-Solve should work as intended now.
A new version of this scenario was uploaded on 2019-06-14 20:08:48 UTC Now time is added after the time is halved, so you will have at least 5 more seconds afterwards.
A new version of this scenario was uploaded on 2019-06-14 20:17:27 UTC You can now only use Auto-Solve if you have at least 40 seconds left, so you don't accidently lose the game.


So far your score is lost if you don't have a connection to the GF server at the time the game ends. Maybe I will make it possible to keep the score to try submitting it later. Other than this, everything should work now. (I hope.)


Well, despite the fact that the game doesn't know what to do when you actually solve all numbers. Mainly because I don't know how I should handle that in the score system.

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