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Celesterra presents ...


Match or Ten

G - checks if the puzzle is still solvable when no matches are possible

H - highlights two matching numbers or the check button if there are no matches

J - clears all unsolved numbers

Use the mouse to click and match numbers that aren't diagonally across from each other.

I would like to thank Super_Hippo and danpost for helping me with this project for most of it!

1467 views / 17 in the last 7 days

Tags: mouse game with-source

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A new version of this scenario was uploaded on 2019-06-13 15:49:09 UTC G - checks if the puzzle is still solvable when no matches are possible H - highlights two matching numbers or the check button if there are no matches J - clears all unsolved numbers Use the mouse to click and match numbers. I would like to thank Super_Hippo and danpost for helping me with this project for most of it!


You are welcome :) To fix the gray rectangles of the numbers, you can change line 32 in the Number class to: tile.drawRect(1,1,42,42); With (0,0,45,45), the bottom and right edge is outside the image = not visible. In theory, the same applies to line 40. In practice, drawing something in gray on an image which was filled in gray right before, doesn't have a big impact anyway though. The alternative is to draw those rectangles on the background of the world.


Oh and the width of the world is too small. The numbers on the right side are cut off a bit.

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