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I am publishing this scenario in support of an article that I plan to publish on the topic of creating custom GUIs using Greenfoot. If and when the article is published, you will find a link to the article at
The purpose of this scenario is to demonstrate custom GUI objects of the Actor class named Labels. The act method belonging to an object of an Actor class named Tester instantiates ten different objects of the Labels class using different variations of text, font, size, style and images, and adds them to the world named TextLabel01 where they are displayed. Although the Labels objects are actors and can be manipulated in the same way as most other Actor objects, such manipulation is not demonstrated in this scenario.
AUTHOR: Dick Baldwin
VERSION: 07/13/08
HOW TO START THIS PROJECT: Click the Run button to view
the demonstration Labels objects.
8671 views / 17 in the last 7 days
This scenario is a member of: Reusable actors & support classes
Visit the web page for this scenario.
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