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Kogeid presents ...


El Agua de la Vida

This is the finished version of our game, based on a marvelous Grimm brother's fairy tale.
All the music used in this game was taken from the game Runescape, you can visit it on this link:
I hope you like it, have fun, and feel free to comment and like :D To see the history and full info of the project and developers, please check the next link:
You can download the .jar file, to execute the game offline, right here :

2968 views / 14 in the last 7 days

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Tags: game simulation physics demo platforms grimm stories germantales

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Senpai noticed me *o* xD joven, para que compile a la primera hay que tener un pacto con satanás :v tenkiu veri muxho :'v
A new version of this scenario was uploaded on 2016-03-10 03:15:41 UTC Added a new feature to our deadly lvl2 opponent :3 enjoy


¡Hey hey! Pichu pichu, there is my scenario I hope you enjoy it and your game improve a lot in graphics xD See my game and tell me what do you think :3 And finally we finish this works ufff xD


Gracias kathe :D la idea es que sea difícl ^_^ jajaja


Pichu pichu!!! thanks man, i did a looooot of graphics and gameplay improvements, now it really seems like quite a game, hah? it's a relief, and now, i feel proud of doing this work, i just look at the game and smile :')


On the second level the dragon has a bug and where are not supposed to kill it because there is a barrier if you die


Hey man, thanks for commenting... after playing level 2 for half and hour, and trying to debus, didn't find anything wierd, what i can think of, is that you think it's a bug not being able to get close to the dragon.... it'a part of the sintaxis of the program, the swords are suppossed to be thrown from the most left part, and you can't move after you reach a part, there is an area where you can move, but the movement is restricted to not get close to the dragon. The "barrier" is always there, and is suppossed to be, for the gameplay and sintaxis... If it's not that, please be sure to specify the bug for me to fix it, thanks for comenting! :D hope you enjoyed it.
A new version of this scenario was uploaded on 2016-03-11 04:23:53 UTC Debugged a bit, trying to remove every possibility of a bug there could be, thanks to Aletoso 123 for giving me an idea to improve the programm.


Esta muy genial el jueguito (Y), no pase el 1er lvl pero bno :/


que estrés esos saltos, están algo raros pero ok, controlable, buen trabajo muchachos.

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