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Greenfoot back

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Sharaleth presents ...


Lance/spirit strike

This is a one-stage Bullet Hell game.
Arrows Keys, Move
Z to fire.

May 22, 2010
//Buffered all actors in the stage except the boss to prevent performance spikes mid-game.
//Added life bar to boss.
//Enemy boss attack patterns redone to loop instead of terminate on the most difficult pattern
//Fixed bug on enemy boss lifebar not clearing after a reset
--Update: Haha, getting a cold sucks. Especially since I don't fall sick easily. After fixing the one bug I found, probably the next thing making it in is a menu to support multiple modes of play and stage selection, or redone graphics to give it the proper ambient feeling it's intended to have.
--Update2: Published source. Will be working with-source now, although a lot of things are still semantically incorrect, eg. public methods that should be private, etc. At least, I'll be working with-source in the near foreseeable future.

May 21, 2010
//Added buglist.
//Added featurelist.
//Consolidated description.
//Changed title
//Fixed lives not resetting bug
//Updated image of the armored ships
//Updated score value of the armored ships from 100 to 200
//Fixed boss still appearing when player is dead
//Slightly lowered boss health temporarily, until powerups are available.
//Rewrote significant amounts of code to improve performance
//Removed FPS counter
//Normalized sound levels
//Reduced file size significantly, although still above 10mb.

Impending Features List:
- Bombs
- Powerups
- Menu
- Multiple stages
- More bullet patterns
- More ship choices
- New, non-stock background
- New, original sprites

Source code will be released after full functionality is implemented, unless you just really, really, really, really need it.

/** External Sources Used --
Support classes used:
A modified version of Mover.

Player's ship sprite and enemy boss sprite from a sprite sheet, by Kryptid from deviantArt.
Main soundtrack from the Newgrounds Audio Portal, Divergence by DukeLukeProd.

All the rest of the short sound clips from and heavily edited with Audacity. Specific citations come when I get back home and can roll out a second update.

Excuse the >10mb file size, but .wav is the only format that Greenfoot supports. If someone knows what I have to do to use .mp3 or convert a .wav into a .midi accurately, that would be very helpful. The main soundtrack format takes up the majority of the filesize and prevents me from implementing multiple stages despite using unsigned 8 bit PCM format for the .wav file (that's the lowest Greenfoot will take).

Known bugs:
- Game does not reset properly if the player dies after killing the boss.

5891 views / 9 in the last 7 days

2 votes | 0 in the last 7 days

Tags: game shooter demo with-source bullet hell monkey bullethell danmaku shmup

This scenario is a member of: High School CS Final

open in greenfoot
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A new version of this scenario was uploaded on Fri May 21 19:34:41 UTC 2010
A new version of this scenario was uploaded on Sat May 22 01:41:05 UTC 2010
A new version of this scenario was uploaded on Sat May 22 03:36:44 UTC 2010
A new version of this scenario was uploaded on Sat May 22 17:45:50 UTC 2010




Heh. I think I should get around to adding powerups tomorrow, or at the least bombs. Makes it less hell-ish, but everyone is saying it's too hard.
A new version of this scenario was uploaded on Mon May 24 00:34:12 UTC 2010

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