This is so great. Navigation was smooth and I liked the jump. I just want to ask if you might try to add the ability to move the view with the mouse somehow while you are still developing the engine. If you could make that work, that would be amazing. I also assume that you will be adding strafing later. Good controls for an FPS are important, but what you have so far is already a great improvement on the original.
Thanks :) A lot of work had to be done until I had enough experience to start writing this engine. Castle Storm I was the first delve into 3D, using matrices, and my Rasterizer was an expansion into real 3D, but this engine combines both aspects to get the great speed of using a matrix, combined with the 3D accuracy of a Rasterizer
@Erimaxbau I know what you mean with the mouse look code, unfortunately that would mean I would need to have a way to hold the mouse in the center of the screen, which Applets prevent you from doing. If this was to be a game that people downloaded, it might work, but that would be the only way.
Perhaps on the gallery it will have traditional WASD movement with QE for straffing, and then if you download it to your computer, it could have Mouse look code? I'll see if I can implement it...
Thanks for considering that. That's a good idea, and I was thinking about that problem. I had kind of wondered if experimenting with similar control to that space simulator you made would work as well. I thought that it might cause sort of a drifting view if you made it so that the mouse's location in the grid would move the view, but I wondered about the possibility of that as a way to implement mouselook. Of course, having the option for it to work when downloaded would work even better.
A new version of this scenario was uploaded on Sun Jan 17 23:27:16 UTC 2010
A new version of this scenario was uploaded on Sun Jan 17 23:28:39 UTC 2010
A new version of this scenario was uploaded on Sun Jan 17 23:29:50 UTC 2010
A new version of this scenario was uploaded on Sun Jan 17 23:36:29 UTC 2010
A new version of this scenario was uploaded on Sun Jan 17 23:43:16 UTC 2010
A new version of this scenario was uploaded on Mon Jan 18 07:30:14 UTC 2010