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Builderboy2005 presents ...


Castle Storm II

Well, I am in the proccess of making a new FPS, the sequel to my original Castle Storm! The engine is no longer a raycaster, it has fully fledged 3D graphics! This allows for fun things like different levels, staircases, and moving platforms.
The physics of the player are also much sleeker, the movements are very fluid.

In order to use Mouse Control, click on the link above the scenario thtat says 'Open in Greenfoot'. You will need Greenfoot Installed to play it with Mouse Control. Once in Greenfoot, When it is time to calibrate the mouse, click in the center of the scenario, then drag your mouse to the top left corner of your computer screen. Then release your mouse to finish calibration

If you want to play without Mouse Control, or in your browser, simply press the RUN button.

With Mouse Control
-WASD to move and strafe
-Mouse to look
Without Mouse Contro;
-WASD to move and turn
-Space to jump

-C to crouch
-R to reload (just a fancy animation for now)

-Added an alternate rendering method (default) that is much faster but results in small graphical errors. Press 1 and 2 to switch between them
-Added better mouse control for non-robot version
-Object3D class now supports OBJ files and materials! Yay! Now i can model objects in Blender
-Added a Beta Level design. There are clipping bugs and some physics problems, so dont be alarmed :P
-Press E to turn off the Lasers! If you can find them that is :P

21356 views / 35 in the last 7 days

43 votes | 0 in the last 7 days

Tags: game simulation demo with-source 3d fps blender

This scenario is a member of: Scenario showcase, 3D

open in greenfoot

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Yes I did ^^ What I did is modeled the objects in Blender, and the exported them in an OBJ file, and wrote a script that converted the OBJ file into data that my program could use. The specifics are a bit complicated, but it's all in the source :)
you lost me at boolean fastFramerate = true; good work man!


Like the code. Takes me back to some of my 3d assembly coding days on the amiga. Although assembly was far more proficient, it's so much easier and cleaner to write in Java and not worry as much about computational speed. Although I'd read a lot about Ray tracing, I'd not put two-and-two together in terms of how it works. Bl**dy pretty obvious now I've looked through your code!!!


freaking awesome man


Are you still working on it? I'd love to play this game!
I'm not working on this game as much, mostly working on Nightmare.


echt cool wie lange hat es gebraucht an diesem Spiel fertigzuwerden?


Are you going to continue this?


What's the point of turning off lasers if you can pass right through them? XD


how do u get the code

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