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Use the WASD Keys to pilot the Spacship through the metoer shower, you must survive for as long as possible. You have 5 lives, good luck!

9915 views / 13 in the last 7 days

2 votes | 0 in the last 7 days

Tags: asteroids space game flight ceddy

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There's too many asteroids; this can put the player into impossible positions were they have no choice but to get hit by asteroids, making the player cheated (Maybe have some way for the player to destroy an asteroid?). You should also do something about the music; after the player has gotten the game over screen, the music still continues. No problems with this, however its when the player starts a new game that the music plays over itself, which can be annoying. Nether the less, the game is looking good; design of the title screen and the objects look great. Instructions on how to play the game are made clear and the option to go back to the main menu are available once the player loses. The game just needs a few fixes here and there, and it'd be good to go.


Nice one!


What is the high score to beat (see instructions)? I made a score of over 10,000 m.
A new version of this scenario was uploaded on Tue May 27 13:11:37 UTC 2014
A new version of this scenario was uploaded on Tue May 27 13:13:06 UTC 2014 Fixed the asteroids so that they weren't spawning as much, currently Danpost has the highest score of 10,000 points! Think you guys can beat that?


cool game bro ;)


Update your instructions, movement is with arrow keys not WASD. This game has potential but it needs a way to beat it. Yeah the high score system is fine but i would like to see a game with maybe a boss? Maybe a way to replenish your health to help keep you going?


you can simply step off one side of the screen or the other and never get hit by the rocks.

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