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N-Game Editor

Change color with left and right.
Change Item with up and down.
Turn Item with Rightclick
Drag your Raster!

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Tags: mouse simulation with-source

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Also, It would be better to break up the grid into quarter blocks so I could place the half-ramp on the top half of a grid space to make a y=1/2x ramp.


Question: are you going to implement a play-test option?


Also I think it would be better if left-click deletes blocks and right-click places blocks.


Maybe change the rotate button into two buttons (rotate left/rotate right) and make them a/d, with the color change buttons being w/s. This is just my opinion for controls though.


this is just a demo i need a lot more knowledge to get collision detection working to all these objects, this with the numbers is a good idea, but spliting the grid is no good idea, collision detection would be much more complicated ;)


how to turn the blocks then?


These are all just my opinions. I'm kind of surprised actually at the fact that N-Game was just acknowledged on greenfoot. Seriously, it made me very excited!


i like the principle of the n-game, its very good, but still clear, there are also very good tutorials on the metasoft website for the n-game physic principles. I´m planning to do something like this, but i wont get it as far as the n-game ;) First step was to get an Editor for all different shapes in the game. maybe you are a little bit disappointed now cause its not the n-game you are used too ;) but still i hope the dragging raster is not that bad


No, it's fine. I don't have any experience with a level editor other than the one I made for my Megaman EX game (which doesn't use a raster, it just takes coordinate positions from an origin point, and translate it into a string and save that) so I don't really know how it works. I was just making a suggestion.


thehe ok ;) jeah thanks, im always happy about comments, also critical ones (but no hater comments^^)

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