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Un peligroso asteroide se acerca a nuestro planeta, debes destruirlo para garantizar la continuidad de la vida
A dangerous asteroid comes close to our planet, you must destroy to ensure the continuity of life

para jugar mueve el mouse para centrar la mira en el asteroide...
move the mouse to play to focus their sights on the asteroid ...

cuando aparezca la mira roja presiona la barra espaciadora para disparar.
looks red when you press the space bar to shoot.

si no logras destruirlo antes que el asteroide llegue a la tierra, perderás.
if you can not destroy the asteroid before it reaches the earth, you lose.

nota: aparece un indicador de proximidad en la ficha de información del asteroide, destruyelo antes de que la distancia entre el asteroide y la tierra sea cero.
note: is an indicator of proximity in the information sheet asteroid, destroy it before the distance between the asteroid and the earth is zero.

4096 views / 24 in the last 7 days

Tags: mouse simulation demo codepoint-09-school-16+ codepoint-09-general naves asteroide planeta estrellas galaxias

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Hi, you cannot enter both the codepoint-09-general and codepoint-09-school-16+ category. You must be in secondary school to use the school-16+ category. Can you confirm which category you want to enter under? Thanks.


It looks great.

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