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bourne's Comments

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Does the applet load? Or are you talking about the computer's turn in the game?
Thanks Danpost! I found the bug. When the AI checked the Queen's movement possibilities to the right, it found the pawn, checked to see what happens if it captured it, finds out its King is still in check, so continued with path. The execution break for the path (to the right), when it found a piece (the pawn) occurred after the king check, so was skipped.
I can't seem to reproduce any dragging issues.
Nice square disappearing effect. Appealing game so far, a lot you could of done with it.
@danpost, but I will be looking for the bug, thanks
@danpost, that is strange, if you do manage to reproduce it, copy the move history from the Java Console
If that is not the case, then if you have the Jave Console open next time it happens, copy the printed move history of that game so I can reproduce the problem.
A player cannot move, in which their king will result/remain in check
It should only display spaces as red if that move either doesn't eliminate a threat, or causes a threat, to your king