The three games I play the most are, Chess, Checkers, and Reversi. At age 8 my father taught me chess and I played that for years, till I came to what felt like a learning block. Basically where I felt like I wasn't learning more and my progress slowed down. From here I thought that the game of Checkers would be pretty easy to master, and because there was a limited amount of moves, I started playing that. Within a few years, I was beating everyone I'd meet and about 95% of the programs out there, and again the same happen with this as it had with Chess, so I took to the game of Reversi, within which I fell in love with. This game also I played like crazy, (around 8 hours a day) and the same took place. Around 95% of the programs out there I beat, and literally every person I meet face to face with, I win. I say this not to brag, but to reveal my reason for wanting to write a strong Reversi Program. My hope is to write a game that captures my play style. So let the games begin!
Member since April 10, 2012
Age: 43
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