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Atomic bomb, but maybe that should only be useable when you're in a far level.


@Sl3nDeRm4n Please read the previous comments. @Busch maybe you should tell why you didn't post the source in the description.
Your circle 'filling' doesn't fill the entire cirlce (as you probably already have seen ;) ). To fix this you can: a) keep track of all the drawn points and draw a line towards that b) look at my fast graphics scenario and see how I did it there
This game is great! But, when will the saving system be there?
Or just use the Math class: [code]double radians = Math.toRadians(angle);[/code]
The last updates made it awsome!
@MTK what jrlowe says is indeed better, since collision detection won't get updated when you move.
To make it even faster, what you could do is what all games of today do: draw on a smaller image and scale that up. Maybe the result is very bad, but you can always try and not post it if it's bad :)
@MatheMagician I understand, sometimes I write something and later read it back and think 'shit, autocorrect!!!' ;)