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Yeah it does that a lot. I have yet to figure out how to fix that.


Quite awesome. I'd like to see a game come out of this :]
This may be a bit random, but I love the new "This is mine!" button. :)
I made it so that the ball just bounces back and forth straight from both paddles. In this manner, I suppose my score is infinity (but the app froze on me for being open for too long =(. I suppose you can try adding something so that this deadlock isn't possible? Also, the game gets quite hard after it's invisible. Maybe you could flash the ball for an instant or two occasionally.
Thanks :] I just made use of the transparency of the images.
The paddle is one object. The World stopping is unintentional. The "a" key and the CO2 level were left over from the previous carbon patrol scenario, so I haven't corrected them yet. For now, pressing the "b" key will get you out of any level.
You shall see :).
aha. Thanks, I'll fix that later.