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Not for now, I'm very busy with my school projects so I don't have the time right now, but I have some ideas, when I have the time I'll make them
Well, I was born in France
CLASH_ROYALE If I have the time, I could add a few more, yes, it's a long process because I take some game footage and cut the characters out, and I need to code them into the game afterwards, which can take a bit of time too. I'm glad you appreciate the game !
Rodexxx24 haha thanks, the game runs because it's not real 3d, I cutted some videos into 2d images, the real game wouldn't run on greenfoot
AJOS814 yeah, almost all my games start with "trash" because I redo them, but worse lol
AJOS814 thanks haha
Mauckenweg hahahaha which generation ? (my personal favorite is the 5th so be careful what you say lol)
Mauckenweg thanks a lot ! I will try to update it, and who knows, maybe I'll be able to make a full game one day hahaha
Mauckenweg yes, I didn't make something after the cave for now, but when I have the time I will make the rest