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I'm glad you like it limefortheworld I will continue to update it as I make progress. I hope I can figure everything out and I hope it dosn't turn out like one of my other scenarios where it just got so big and messy I couldn't figure out what anything was doing anymore. Also, when it gets a little more advanced I hope to incorperate some sort of level building scheme where someone could make their own level if they wanted to, I think that might be fun.
Oops! I uploaded a version that doesn't work online (because it reads information from a saved file). I will fix it tomorrow I guess.
Cool! I'm suprised that a lot of times, Selection comes in behind Bubble (I thought bubble was the slowest).
Harder than it looks!
What irrelevant files? Are you referring to the like 30kb of bmp files that aren't being used in the images folder? I forgot to throw those out before I uploaded the slingshot but you can feel free. Sorry for all the pollution! 30 kb is a lot of hard drive space after all!
Thanks. I remeber spending hours trying to program my own text box with only mediocre results. Never got a cursor to work either. I'll have to check it out.
The question "This is a class and often contains another class" gave Actor as an an anwser, and said it usually contains other classes such as GreenfootImage or String. Those would be instances of a class, aka objects, which is different from a class. Other than that I thought it was a great scenario. And how did you make that textbox?
Nice. Like the hamsters a lot! Very good picture.
Cool If you have any questions about the code let me know!