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@NikZ, simplified code for shots to go a set distance before exploding instead of testing x and y coordinates. The problem should be fixed now.
@NikZ, I will check it out. Thanks for informing me.
@NikZ, you should be able 'maximize' it to your screen by way of the taskbar.
After the move or setLocation command, compare the returned value of getY to the lower y limit (somewhere around 420, I am guessing; I will call it 'minimumY'). If the value returned is less than the minimum, set the location back to (getX(), minimumY).
It nobody able to even get close to my high score? The game might be a bit difficult at first; it just takes a little practice., the source for this scenario was not published; so, you cannot download the project to view the code.
@docinkc, start a new discussion thread and using the 'code' tag below the input box to insert the problem code. Include a brief explanation of the problem.
What is the high score to beat (see instructions)? I made a score of over 10,000 m.
Basically, you would just put the animation code for each within the 'addedToWorld' method of each class.