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danpost's Comments

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@dan11, how would you go about fine tuning the game in this situation? (not that I need to know, myself -- but for others, and for K_wow). To clarify: when simplified by moving one pixel at a time, you can move left, right, up, or down, at a speed of one pixel per move; but, when moving diagonally, you cannot. Then, you must move by multiples of the square root of 2. That is the distance between two diagonally adjacent pixels.
@vakz2013, play the game while logged in. At the end,, the high scores will show with button across the bottom of the window to view the different classes or start a new game.
@jbonifaz, just click on the big green 'Open in Greenfoot' button near the top-right corner of the scenario window.


Maybe you can use my TextImage class to render the images. That way you can adjust the size of the font to fit.


The author will have to re-publish this scenario 'including source' if anyone is to have access to it.
If you want others to be able to have access, you must check the 'Publish source code' checkbox every time you upload/update the scenario.
If and when you manually add actors into your world, please 'Save the world' before uploading the scenario. All I see above is sand, which is not 'cool'.
Removed auto-starting. It was causing problems.
Or you could download my Image Transparency Addeer/Remover scenario. Just run, load and save. It will automatically reduce it to minimum image size. It is located here: