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You might want to update the description again as you have the polling ending before the scenario was new (maybe you meant December).
It can also happen when there is either a problem with the database server or during maintenance of the server (or probably a number of other reasons on the greenfoot end).


Current tallies I guess would be ok; and you could program it to appear after a certain number of votes have been tabulated. In a way, that would also keep the challenge administrator honest (not saying you would be dishonest; but, others might be more at ease about the final results being they were made public).


Why did you say this: "I shall cast my vote later so no one knows what my vote is."? Nobody should be able to see what anybody else voted -- or even have any idea how the voting is going. This might cause unwanted bias in how they decide to vote. I get the feeling that voting will not be extensive and with only four entries, the results may not even be conclusive (be it what it may).


Yes, but please do so by creating a new 'Discussion' thread. Thee, code posts are easier to view and reference; also, others may benefit by seeing how to correct their similar problems (plus, your scenario page does not get filled with a bunch of comments that deal with bit and pieces of the scenario, instead of it in general as a whole).


First, you need to add an image of a hamburger to the 'images' folder of your project. Then you can use 'setImage' on a Magdalena object.


Also, this part looks very strange -- (Ljava/lang/String;II)V I wonder if you got a good download on the new version. You did download Greenfoot version 2.4 and are now running it, correct?


I have never seen that message, "NoSuchMethodError", during runtime. What is now your line 38 in the Bebe class? (copy it and paste it here)


You already have one 'comida' value showing. Are you not able to show another one in the same way? I will look at what you actually have.