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danpost's Comments

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@lordhershey, the source is available. Download it and see for yourself what would happen if you eliminate the stroke. You could try your hand at the random 3..n split as well.
@dorrell, the author of this project did not publish the source. You simply cannot download its source.
@wabuilderman, it does compile on the site (at least for me). I think the project was created with a later version of greenfoot than you have and the method you think is not accessible actually is to the creator, but not to you (possibly the 'isAtEdge' method is the one you were referring to, which was added in 2.4.0 -- I believe; but cannot be sure as version history does not show when it was added).


For those interested in the source. This is a book scenario. Goto: Under the 'Resources' section, find 'The book scenarios' (the link for downloading).
You can play the game on the site. The source was not made available for download.
@azazeel, thanks for liking. What about the scenario did you like most?
Source will be included after documentation is completed (if requested).
@lordhershey, I did not want to make it too easy -- right now, you need to be within 5 pixels radius of the center of the station to be able to activate the gun. I do not knowwhat you mean by 'doing a wind up'.
Please leave any comment, questions and suggestions here. The source will be available after I am able to judge the likability of the game itself.