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Bee Quick (ImgScroll demo)

GAME DESCRIPTION: There are 25 stations within the world at which you can access a cable gun; move your character with the "up", "left", "down" and "right arrow keys; try to avoid the bees; you can access the gun if your character is centrally located at a station and press the "enter" key; you will see a dark gray sphere appear behind the character that indicates the gun is active; you can then use the "w", "a", "s" and "d" keys to fire a cable up, left, down and right to connect two stations; cables fired that do not connect two stations will be lost; the mini-map will show completed connections in white with the latest connection made in green;

GAME OBJECTIVE: Complete the matrix (connecting all horizontally and vertically adjacent stations with cable) before running out of time units and without losing all your lives;

* creating a new cable costs one (1) time unit;
* accessing a cable gun at a station costs ten (10) time units;
* losing a life (touching a bee) costs twenty (20) time units;
* approximately every second of playtime costs one (1) time unit;

IMAGE SCROLL SUPPORT CLASS: the scrolling engine is contained within a subclass of Object; there are two constructors that can be used; both require an image and a world object; one of these constructors also requires the dimensions of the scrolling area; when using that constructor, the image is tiled, if needed, to fill the scrolling area; when using the other constructor, the size of the image determines the size of the scrolling area

5204 views / 30 in the last 7 days

1 vote | 0 in the last 7 days

Tags: game demo with-source scroller danpost hurry matrix-building image-scroll

This scenario is a member of: Support Classes by danpost, Games by danpost

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Please leave any comment, questions and suggestions here. The source will be available after I am able to judge the likability of the game itself.


It is pretty cool, only issue is if you do not land directly in the center of the square then it is a bit had to do an adjustment to get into it. I do not know if you are doing a wind up before the baby is going maximum speed.


@lordhershey, I did not want to make it too easy -- right now, you need to be within 5 pixels radius of the center of the station to be able to activate the gun. I do not knowwhat you mean by 'doing a wind up'.
A new version of this scenario was uploaded on 2015-04-29 14:19:44 UTC


@azazeel, thanks for liking. What about the scenario did you like most?


By wind up - I am referring to how a car accelerated from a dead stop to full speed , it goes through a range in there. Are you thinking of adding extra levels?


The game is clever, you cannot run to every post and just spam lines, the cost of taking the gun is too expensive, you have to find the pattern that will let you grab the least amount of guns while making the most lines.
A new version of this scenario was uploaded on 2017-10-18 20:03:07 UTC
A new version of this scenario was uploaded on 2017-10-18 20:06:19 UTC

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