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Currently, mouse dragging only works in applet version.
@Yehuda, it might be possible the user info server is down (possibly needs resetting).
Forgot about this one. Just finished up on documentation and uploaded with source.
@Cirion, it is required that a non-abstract subclass of an abstract class override any methods that have a semi-colon instead of brackets (see the 'run' method in the FullScreenWorld class). You can also go to the following link in the java tutorials:
Apparently, you need to add the following method into the MyWorld class:: public void run() { }
Updated to get rid of scrollbars.
@LittlePillows, log onto the site and then simply run into a zombie. You will then see the buttons along the bottom of the High Scores world.
@TheAwesomePuppy404, thanks. I re-uploaded it.
The only problem I have detected is that the player only moves when a key is pressed. The pac-man should move in the last direction taken until a wall is encountered unless directed to turn at the next junction.