I think Sunkist was having the same problem as Busch2207, and I had the same also. When the food is spawned at a location a snake segment happens to be, nothing happens when you pass back over the food (you are un-able to eat it).
Actually, instead of 'getWorld().getObjects(Class class)', what was used was 'getObjectsInRange(int range, Class class)' with a range of 1000. Everything else was pretty much on target, except used 'Math.toDegrees(...)' instead of '180 * (...) / Math.PI'.
A possible future update may include handling of removing items and suspending specific items. But for now, the order items are added determine the return value of that item (starting at 0).
Maybe it was level 5. Anyways, tried again, got to Level 38 Factors of 39, there were no zeros and no 39s on the board. Could use a score system (maybe by time with real timer [not act counter]) and deductions for wrong clicks, and then a game over screen after level 38. Also make sure there is always at least one factor per level.
511! :) Could'a done better. OO, I cheated! :(
@kuiske, see my first post? it says 'a point for each 10 act cycles survived'. How did I score so well, you might ask? I did not start the scenario right away (worked on a very hard sudoku puzzle -- not done yet). Anyways, using the system clock to score with is not a good thing. The game can be initialized, but not started (or paused) and the clock keeps going!
Snake Game
Cat Chases Mouse
menu class
Marble Dodger
Marble Dodger