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mhh... Ich hab mir mal dein Szenario angeschaut... Du kannst in deiner Klasse KillCounter eine Methode einfügen, die die Kills zurückgibt... Ganz einfach mit: public int getKills() { return totalCount; } und dann musst du, um die Kills zu bekommen, da du den KillCounter in keiner Variable festgehalten hast, folgendes schreiben: ui_.setScore(((KillCounter)getObjects(KillCounter.class).get(0)).getKills()); Dann hast du den Score auf die aktuellen kills gesetzt! Aber noch was wäre wichtig: Wenn du den Score nur dann neu setzen willst, wenn der alte übertroffen worde, schreibst du am besten: int i_Kills=((KillCounter)getObjects(KillCounter.class).get(0)).getKills(); if(i_Kills>ui_.getScore()) { ui_.setScore(i_Kills);; // den Score zu speichern darfst du nicht vergessen! ;) } Und was du auch nicht vergessen darfst ist, dass UserInfo.getMyInfo(); auch 'null' zurückgeben kann. Darum müsstest du das vorher abfragen. Das kannst du mit: if(ui_==null) return; Dann wird die aktuelle Methode abgebrochen!
Du schreibst einfach in den Konstruktor deiner Welt-Klasse folgendes: setPaintOrder(HighScore.class,Actor.class); Am besten direkt in die Zeile nach dem 'super(1280, 800, 1);' Dann werden alle HighScore-Objekte, die du der Welt hinzufügst, vor alle anderen Actor-Objekte gezeichnet und der Highscore liegt vor den Gegnern und Spielern! :)
Yes! :) The collision detection checks for all pixel of the image, that overlaps and compares the two Colors. (depending on what I need it for, I say it has to ignore all colors, which transparency is taler than a predetermined value)
Well, that might be an idea, but I extra set down the transparency of the darkness, that you can see more... It's not my aim to create a scary game. And I also think, that I won't have enough time this month, to think about a fast algorithm to create the shadows. (especially because of the round edges... And by the way im doing my A-levels this month (In Germany/Bavaria we still have school, even if it's my last month ;) ) I also took a look at Builderboys method to create the shadow, but he's using tricks, which I don't want to use, because they are only working, if the full game is tuned on this shadow overlay. And this tuning I don't like in any ways... :)
Thank you Kartoffelbrot. :) If you want, I could rewrite the 'see'-algorithm for you, that you can use it for your game! :)
Seems to becone really good! :)
Thank you, I'm programming for nearly exactly two years, now! But till now I've got no experience with apps, sorry... Maybe you can ask your question in the forum, I think there are some other people, which can help you! :)
Thank you! If you need help, I can help you, of course! But in nearly two weeks, the last exams for my graduation from high school start... So unfortunately I don't have much time... Currently I only program a little to relax from learning... :)
Thanks! :D Well, I'm using UserInfo... And there's also a score at the end, if your points get under 0... Maybe there's a problem with your browser or a firewall is activated on your computer? I don't know why it does not work for you... :-/