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Sorry, but I don't know, when I will continue... But I promise, I will! :)
Thank you! :) a) I haven't published the source code, so you're not able to download it! But if you want to get the code, I can sent it you per email! (My adress is on my page) b) I think, that's a problem with your computer... :( On my one, it works fine! :)
Thank you very much Gevater_Tod! And yes, I completely programmed it in this month! :) I just got the idea for this, when I read the topic about the competition.
Sweat! I thought, there will come something naughty. x)
mhh... well... maybe you can try to start this scenario with another computer? This game needs a little more main memory, than the most games here in Greenfoot... And I think, that is the reason, why it won't start for you... Have you tried to open it in Greenfoot?
^^ Thank you Kartoffelbrot! :D
Thank you very much for your correction! :) Thank you for telling this bug! I've got the player as a static variable, that the game will work faster. It is a little bit more complex to solve this in this game, beause I need to duplicate the player at the checkpoints, to be able to reset him with all his weapons, amo, colors, etc.. But I managed to solve it! :)
mh... Das heißt, dass in der aktuellen Welt kein Objekt der Klasse KillCounter existiert... Wo steht denn dieser Code? Setzt du eine neue Welt?
mh... mit 'return;' springt das programm aus der aktuellen Methode wieder raus. Das heißt wenn du 'if(ui!=null) return;' schreibst, dann springt das Programm aus der Methode, wenn in ui_ ein Objekt gespeichert ist. Da es aber rausspringen soll, wenn darin kein Objekt, also 'null' gespeichert ist, musst du 'ui==null' schreiben. :)