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lordhershey's Comments

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Scrolling would help, there are many people who share scrolling screen code. Just put a question to the discussion board and several people will jump in.
Still able to blow my way out of the maze to get an array index out of bounds exception.
You could make a variant of this puzzle that could be pretty cool, use Tetris like pieces and pull them out , when a person grabs a piece they might have to rotate it to fit. and then to make a level a bit harder throw a piece in the bucket that they do not need or simply cannot use.
It becomes a complicated tangle pretty quickly. The sim is pretty smooth.
The graphics are amusing.
I do not have the sound on, I would have expected it to be on the last bag, or better yet - have it so when the last bag is picked up you have to catch a get away car to win.
It would be cool to see what would happen if you could make an unexpected light change - like clicking on the traffic light to change it - or what if a car does not obey the traffic light, or pulls a jerk move?
Once you get the second to last bag of money it says "Game Over" not sure If I won or lost.
Thanks! I will put the breaking back in, but I will have to make difficulty levels that will say how hard you can hit a platform.