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Likmi, Bandung

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updated : - first section [Labyrinth of Slime] Working at : - next section [Doorway Trap] - main char image - special effect - storyline
this scenario really help me a lot.. but i have some question sir.. here is my assumption from reading ur API public ScrollWorld(int width, => width of the scroll camera int height, => height of the scroll camera int cellSize, int fullWidth, => map width int fullHeight) => map height and here is my code: super(300, 300, 1, 1000,1000); => i made a 300x300 scroll camera with a 1000x1000 map and i try to put object balok balok = new balok(); addObject(balok, 100, 100); i thought the object is within my map, and my main actor can reach it.. but whenever my actor tried to go there.. it seems i already reach my 1000x1000 limit map.. and from trying a lot.. i get the calculation of the real limit map.. real limit map = 1000x1000 - (300/2.5) x (300/2.5) so actually if i input 1000x1000 then i only get 880x880.. and the conclusion now, i should place the object in 880x880 to be reachable.. is this some kind of bug? and why whenever i bump the map limit, the background map changes a little, but after i backward a little, it changes to normal again.. thx a lot nb: sry for my english