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I was responding to Kartoffelbrot above who was asking if programming was my job. I was affirming that it is.
Actually it is Kartoffelbrot :)
The code behind it is quite complicated, and involves the AlphaComposite class and a bunch of mathematics. Most of the shadow code is located in the Light class, and you can check out how it works if you want, since the source is freely available.
It's actually supposed to be shadows, not a 3D effect :P but you are correct in that the math is very similar for the two.
You should let us change the camera angle so we can really experience the 3D effect.
Very true Cheribasa, I originally made it as a quick game to test out an old highscore idea that another member had, and was very surprised at how quickly it took off.
It does not :[ it was never finished
Indeed, it wasn't ever my intention to make it re-usable, nor my idea to put it into that collection. Liking the new updates!
You should add some more objects or features, that way it's not just a direct copy of mine. I do like the code though! The original was written a long time ago when I was not nearly as experienced as I am now, and it's nice to see the idea still getting some attention. Great job!