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Also it looks like having two portals link to each other causes an error when you try to move things into it :P
I think it would be more useful for the pressure plate the 'include weight' bit should be 'invert output' instead, that way you can have puzzles where you need to find a weight to open a door. By the way this is awesome and very impressive!
Oh interesting, I forgot to include a isStorageAvaliable check to my highscores functionality, I wonder indeed if there is some strange stuff happening on the server side.
If it is full, it became full recently, as I just updated my Speed3D scenario to use highscores and have been watching more and more people get highscores for it.
You should rework your file loading to use URL paths and BufferedReaders so that it can work on the gallery as well. The method I use in castle storm II uses this method and it works quite nicely!
Oh whoops, I meant to direct that comment to MatheMagician D: My mistake!
Duta I actually wrote an obj file parser for my castle storm II engine, maybe you could check it out to get some ideas?
No castling :(
Might it be a good idea to use generics in places like the list-box?