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RUMMAKER's Scenarios

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play inventory
plays 2803 / votes 0


by RUMMAKER, 2015/2/26

a hobby project

play school project
plays 2054 / votes 0

school project

by RUMMAKER, 2014/9/23

play super cpu intensive path finding
plays 5792 / votes 11

super cpu intensive path finding

by RUMMAKER, 2014/1/14

A* path finding

play scrolling shooter
plays 3435 / votes 2

scrolling shooter

by RUMMAKER, 2014/5/15

scrolling shooter... duh

play Test map generation
plays 3036 / votes 2

Test map generation

by RUMMAKER, 2013/12/21

might be really buggy :/

play Test map generation v2
plays 2787 / votes 1

Test map generation v2

by RUMMAKER, 2013/12/22

play Test game(collision and scrolling world)
plays 6187 / votes 12

Test game(collision and scrolling world)

by RUMMAKER, 2013/11/14

testing collision, scrolling world, and other shiz

play Gomoku/Connect 5
plays 5805 / votes 5

Gomoku/Connect 5

by RUMMAKER, 2013/9/7

connect five stones to win

play bullet hell shooter
plays 6939 / votes 18

bullet hell shooter

by RUMMAKER, 2013/6/8

bullet hell