This game and the smaller versions will be updated soon. I managed to implement random spawning of the monsters and it will not be that fatal to die anymore. In the current versions, you can restart all over again if you die because it is not very funny to play the higher levels without any Upgrades. After the next update, you will not lose all your upgrades anymore.
Maybe I will even add another level.
I need to simplify the code so I can easier tranfer the data from one version to another. Otherwise it gets more and more complicated with every new thing.
Yoshi, I would say that this is still not a great sentence. Split your sentence into two and it will be fine. By the way, I do not see the reason for this "OK" in the "sentence" anyway.
His language did its job and transfered the right meaning although it is full of mistakes.
But enough of that now. ;)
"-removed cheating ability"
It is not possible anymore to just drive back and forth, but you can still turn and drive back.
By the way, it is really easy to win even driving the normal route. ;)
You need to stand in front of the entrance of your house in the town, press up and then, after you entered the house, you press enter. Then you can save.
I didn't play your game for a long time. I noticed that I wasn't at the end. So I just played to the current end. First, I stuck because I forgot how to jump higher again. ^^
I wonder how long it would take to purchase all the equipment with the money that you can get from the trainings. ;)
What I can say is, that this game is still just brilliant and probably even the most amazing one on the whole Greenfoot platform!
Base Defense
Base Defense