Just a couple feedback pieces/suggestions: If you look at Danpost's scenario, I think his character movement is a little more fluid. Rather than a quick "jump" to the next cell, it moves over. That will allow a character (i.e. Link from Zelda) to have an animated walk to the next cell. Might be interesting to try.
Also [and I know this is because this isn't a full game/version], I changed the borders in the maze map to brick and I [and the enemy guys] can walk through brick. :)
Excellent. I sincerely appreciate this.
I do have one question, however. You say above "On site, clicking on the world will create a new world using the next map. " I click and nothing happens. Just wondering.
I really like the movement of this sprite. Have you done any more with it? I'd like to develop something like this but move the world instead of the actor -- so that you're seeing a small section of the world that will scroll around as you walk. Although depending on the size of the world (and the number of instances of actors) it may bog down. :/
MapWorld SuperClass
MapWorld SuperClass
MapWorld SuperClass
MapWorld SuperClass
Feeding Time
Legend of Zelda