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Visualization of Sort Algorithm
By rowanto, with 3 replies.
Last reply by davmac, almost 12 years ago:
Yep, I guess you can't use that particular scenario, but I think it shows that it should be possible.
Convert Actor to Object
By willnerd42, with 2 replies.
Last reply by davmac, almost 12 years ago:
You need a cast: ((ClassName)actor).methodName(); Where 'ClassName' is the name of the class of the actor (i.e. the class that defines the method you want to call), 'actor' is the reference to the actor, and 'methodName' is the name of the method you want to call.
How to detect collision with mouse cursor, or move items accordingly to mouse position?
By RadikulRAM, with 5 replies.
Last reply by RadikulRAM, almost 12 years ago:
<Code Omitted>Thanks for your code Dav! I'll try to figure out how to hide the cursor myself, but my current problem is that when I do any mouse click the player stops following the mouse. I need my player model to follow the mouse at all times, even when the mouse button is held down but again I'm clueless on this matter. I tried doing:
Procaryota and his Improvement
By Solringolt, with 1 reply.
Replied to by Solringolt, almost 12 years ago:
I wanted to add a random timer for my bulletShot and a sound when fired but my method doesn't work any tip? <Code Omitted>The sound for firing always plays but it should only play when a bullet is shot..
you can see the project.
How to make text box
By greenfootlantern, with 1 reply.
Replied to by JetLennit, almost 12 years ago:
Here is one example,
here is another,
and if you want one that you can edit you can go here.
Music Help
By SWAG, with 13 replies.
Last reply by FlyingRabidUnicornPig, almost 12 years ago:
put an act() method in your world, and do this: <Code Omitted> and then take out the line in the constructor that says play.
By SWAG, with 9 replies.
Last reply by FlyingRabidUnicornPig, almost 12 years ago:
The above way would have every Teleporter be a teleporter to a specific world, that way you don't have to make a different Player object for each teleporting world you can go to.
ideas for single-screen games
By davemib123, with 13 replies.
Last reply by FlyingRabidUnicornPig, almost 12 years ago:
Here's another one: Q*bert. I'd love to see that one.
Some uncomprehensible problems..
By Solringolt, with 11 replies.
Last reply by Solringolt, almost 12 years ago:
Ok thx I finally got something playable! ^^
By JetLennit, with 12 replies.
Last reply by MatheMagician, almost 12 years ago:
Mode 7 is a
for programming a background texture on the ground. Its pretty much just an efficient mathematical equation that some people have converted into code. It is not an engine or a base for you to build a game out of.
How to change the image upon different key press for an actor? SetImage and GetImage help
By nathan1610, with 1 reply.
Replied to by Gevater_Tod4711, almost 12 years ago:
In Greenfoot almost every image you use is a GreenfootImage so you should create GreenfootImages of all the images you want to use: <Code Omitted> If you got this images in your class you just need to change the images like this:
Using Arrays in Java.....
By LearningProgramming, with 14 replies.
Last reply by Gevater_Tod4711, almost 12 years ago:
@LearningProgramming Like danpost already said you don't need a class for any card. In
my Black Jack game
you can see that I just changed the values of the cards and used one card. But if you try to programm this using eclipse that will be realy complicated because eclipse at all is not easy to use and it hasn't got a graphical surface like in greenfoot. Also there are no acting cycles... You would have to do everything by yourself. So you better try to create this game using Greenfoot.
Beam Intersects object
By FlyingRabidUnicornPig, with 1 reply.
Replied to by FlyingRabidUnicornPig, almost 12 years ago:
Never mind, I figured it out. Here's the code if interested: <Code Omitted>
Changing Worlds Helps
By SWAG, with 2 replies.
Last reply by FlyingRabidUnicornPig, almost 12 years ago:
edit: "getIntersectingObject" should be "getOneIntersectingObject"
Changing Scrolling SuperWorld
By JetLennit, with 5 replies.
Last reply by JetLennit, almost 12 years ago:
Thank you i think i have changed it now