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Animation of Pacman
By jaydjay, with 6 replies.
Last reply by davmac, over 11 years ago:
That doesn't make sense. You need at least two images for animation - one with the mouth open and one with it shut. If you have only two images and you want to slow the animation, you have two choices: move less often, or do not animate every time you move. (You'll never get it to look like the original pacman this way; you need more images).
typing game
By Rudi, with 3 replies.
Last reply by Rudi, over 11 years ago:
may u have the example of scenario from the typing game???
Problem with color code! Help!
By Kiara, with 2 replies.
Last reply by davmac, over 11 years ago:
The 'setColor' method just changes the color that will be used to draw on the image with the drawing methods; it doesn't change the color of the image. You need to draw on the image after setting the color.
How can I make an enemy "lose health" when an arrow hits it?
By Yongjoon, with 25 replies.
Last reply by Yongjoon, over 11 years ago:
Thanks a bunch. The arrow hits, vanishes, and damages the minion. Thanks! ^^
Quick concern
By landry, with 1 reply.
Replied to by danpost, over 11 years ago:
Eliminate some large images or sound files.
By programmer22, with 1 reply.
Replied to by FlyingRabidUnicornPig, over 11 years ago:
I refuse.
Grabbing Location of Actor from another Actor
By programmer274, with 3 replies.
Last reply by programmer274, over 11 years ago:
wait never mind i think i can get it to work a different way. Thank You for the help
Creating health for an object
By Neon147, with 6 replies.
Last reply by Neon147, over 11 years ago:
Ahh yes i see that now, thanks ill change the name
Setting an own font?
By Solringolt, with 8 replies.
Last reply by danpost, over 11 years ago:
You can import the Font class and then drawString text to images after 'setFont'. Example follows: <Code Omitted>
dog world help
By gyrlonfilm, with 4 replies.
Last reply by gyrlonfilm, over 11 years ago:
Got it! Thanks!
Making enemies bounce off walls
By Neon147, with 6 replies.
Last reply by Neon147, over 11 years ago:
Ahhh okay it worked, thanks alot you two!
Donkey Kong Game barrel Srimulation
By toscany, with 1 reply.
Replied to by FlyingRabidUnicornPig, over 11 years ago:
Your code just doesn't work. What you're trying to do is delay the barrel, but your causing a "delay" that happens in a time before the program even renders everything. If you ever want a delay that lasts a couple of frames, never put it in a while statement. That while statement happens before a single frame is rendered. What you need to do is have an int that will keep track of the time since it last fired (by subtracting 1 from itself every frame), then have a method that will return true if that counter is 0. When the barrel fires, you tell the counter to go back to 50. So I would have
Rendering in Greenfoot
By Game/maniac, with 1 reply.
Replied to by danpost, over 11 years ago:
How about changing its image to 'new GreenfootImage(1, 1)'. I do not think that changing alpha to zero would help much, or at least noticeably, if at all. The system would still have to iterate through all the pixels, regardless.
By Jin-Ho, with 1 reply.
Replied to by Gevater_Tod4711, over 11 years ago:
If you got a stop method you can use it but it would be easyer just not to move. So if you object touches another object you don't execute the move method: <Code Omitted>
Why does this not work
By Game/maniac, with 5 replies.
Last reply by Game/maniac, over 11 years ago:
thank you it works now